Brussels: Now That's One Hell of a Good Waffle

We immediately found Brussels to be easily walkable, kind of like Amsterdam without the canals. Our day of sightseeing had as its home base the fabulous Grand-Place, an ornate 16th C. palace (I'm not sure exactly... Didn't have a Lonely Planet for Brussels, which for me is equivalent to having my thumbs taped to my palms!) with a sprawling spire, linked with other old buildings to create a lovely cobblestone square.

Then it was time for something really interesting. Down a maze of narrow streets from the Grand-Place stands the Manekin Pis, a pint-sized bronze fountain of a boy, standing proudly and cherub-like, gaxing off into the distance and, well, pissing. Aparently this little guy is a major cultural icon to Belgians, a fact that, on its own does, little but to create in one a moment's meditation, standing there against the background trickle, on why exactly it is more present-day North Americans don't speak Flemish.
After this breakthrough I convinced Alejandro and Denise, who are impressively even more frugal than I am, to sit down with me for a waffle. We got three -- avec chocolat, confiture, et creme (you should've heard my high school French!) -- and washed it down with a fine Belgian ale.

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