Kodaikanal: Old Haunts

We've made it to Kodaikanal!
In many ways, this is the true highlight of a trip that's seen countless. Perched a refreshing 7,000 feet above sea level, Kodaikanal ("Kodai" for short) not only has tons more Bethania sites for us to see -- featuring The Creches, which WILL cause your head to explode from cuteness overload -- but it's also where my family came in 1995 to spend the five most formative months of my life!

Central House: The Hennigs' home from June to November, 1995. One of the first houses built by Kodai missionaries, the mud-and-stone duplex has lasted 156 years! Certainly the place has a 'frozen in time' effect. The Mennens, our old neighbors, still live next door. Their son Aditya was only three when, at this same picnic table, he used to bowl me over with his command of English, Tamil, AND Malayalam (language of his native state, Kerala). Now he's a strapping young man of fourteen, immersed in Mozart and Tolstoy!
Kodaikanal International School: Where Dad graduated high school in 1965. The idea behind the '95 trip was to give us kids an int'l exposure similar to what he had enjoyed. I'd say the gambit paid off: What a shock to be transplanted from the white bread Midwest to a classroom full of Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, and Sikhs! I remember one of my classmates being punished for exclaiming "Holy cow!", thereby insulting the Biology teacher. Seen above is the Middle School where I completed Semester One of the Eighth Grade. (My older sister Kate was in Tenth, lil' Emily in fourth. And Mom taught ESL!)
Near Seven Roads Junction, just outside the school gate. It's odd. Back in '95, my best friend Pat Dornack and I never once talked on the phone. Nor was there email: all handwritten letters, all the time. Now alls I need to do is march down this street a ways, pop into an Internet cafe, and dial him up on Skype net phone, reaching him on his cell phone in Grenada, where he's in med school. (Though I've yet to work out the country code... sorry DJ!)
Fay's is where I used to slip into for lunch when the cafeteria's rice and dahl had me frightened, which was often. They still serve the chocolate pastries I joyfully stuffed my face with.
The Potter's Shed: Started by Bethania, proceeds from this shop go to our Kodai-based projects, in addition to other locals in need. You know, The Potter's Shed is nearly Bethania's single greatest success story... Why? Because it's mentioned in the Lonely Planet!
I can't believe it all looks so much the same!!
Your best freind Pat Dornack is bored out of his mind, I hope you are having fun, before you have to come home and get a real job you hippie.
I really love your wonderful photographs, Luke, and especially these from Kodia and the other Bethania locations. Tell your dad that I want a couple of skeins of yarn from that craft shop next to Fay's - blue or green would be fine. What a wonderful trip you are having! -- Lora.
Thanks Lora! Though let's give give credit where credit's due: so far, almost all the photos from Bethania I've swiped from Dad. (Meanwhile, I'm in back, dancing around and making faces so the little buggers will smile!)
I'll tell Dad about the yarn...
Thanks for the compliments!
It was nice meeting you.
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